Nba jam arcade control panel
Nba jam arcade control panel

nba jam arcade control panel

  • We’ve addressed a problem with some router models “choking” when joining games.
  • In the player select screen, the stats for cloned players now reflect the players they replace, not the player they were copied from.
  • Corrected an “official bug” from original Midway ROM of Tournament Edition where Elliott’s and Horry’s team assignment reflected a trade that never happened.
  • Factory-reset machines will now include additional messaging about setting up Internet access.
  • We’ve reworked the “joining” behaviour to make controls more immediately responsive.
  • “Kick” has been removed from the host’s in-game LIVE menu, to reduce cheating incentives.
  • We rephrased the “requesting to join” message to make it clearer you are waiting for the other person to act, not the other machine to act.
  • nba jam arcade control panel

    If you are assigned control of an orphan player, you will now be told in the popup message that announces the other user’s departure.The orphaned players will now preferentially be assigned to the user who controls their teammate, if that person is still in the game and,.There have been two improvements to this feature: This existing feature allowed you to complete the game and capture a win even if the other user leaves, by offering you control of the “orphaned” players. When users departed an online session in the middle of a game, their players get assigned to one of the remaining users.


    You can choose for the clone’s body and uniform to be greyscale, just their body to be greyscale (but uniform remain team colours), or to use full colour as before (which makes their appearance identical to their teammate). To make it easier to tell the clone apart, there is now a setting in the main menu to make clones appear in greyscale. Better distinguish “cloned” players in the original NBA Jam: cloned players are stand-ins for players from the original arcade game that couldn’t be re-licenced for this release.

    Nba jam arcade control panel